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210-20121205-Panel Holders from ACPASS Display





About Your Contract/Inheritance Fund

To whom it may concern,

I know that you might be surprise about this mail, but I am telling you the truth. I know that it is against my official duty to release confidential issue like this to an outsider. There is nothing I can do to help you beside this; I am taking this bold step because of my belief as a Christian.

What I want to tell you is about your fund from the United Nations and Federal Government of Nigeria, there are lot forces working against you right from Citi Bank, Barclays Bank London and Intercontinental Bank Nigeria Plc which recently merged with the Access Bank Plc after going through distress. They have been frustrating you by tremendously demanding upfront payments from you, If I tell you that they are using all these money you sent to them to work against you, you might not believe it. But it is reality.

There is ways I can assist you get your fund without you paying any charges to get your fund, it is risk but one have to take it, I have assisted one woman from Canada and it worked though her fund was US$2.5m. What you have to do is to open another bank account any where if you can open it in another place, it will be nice, but what you have to bear in mind is that you have to re-transfer the fund to another account immediately you confirmed it in your account, I know why I want it this way.

If you want me to go ahead, let me know as soon as you get this mail, if I make the transfer this week, it might be next three months that they will find out and by then, you must have re-transferred the fund into another account. Get back to me as soon as you get this mail so that I will be in a better position to know what to do next.

Best regards
Mrs Veronica Amadi.


Mi nombre es Miss precioso Vi tu perfil hoy y
se convirtió interesado en ti, yo también quiero saber que cada vez te quiero
enviar un correo electrónico a mi buzón de correo para que yo pueda darle mi imagen

My name is Miss precious I saw your profile today and
became interested in you, I will also want to know you more and I want you
send an email to my mailbox so I can give you my picture

29 September 2012 Exhibition equipment-141




2012-9-30  1:14:03

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Prensa Libre Guerrero
Ita acapulco · Acapulco, Guerrero
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Inicia PGJE indagatoria por homicidio de Director de Gobernación en Acapulco.

 Boletín de Prensa
Inicia PGJE indagatoria por homicidio de Director  de Gobernación en Acapulco.
Chilpancingo, Gro., 2 de agosto de 2012.-La Procuraduría General de Justicia de Guerrero informa del inicio de la averiguación previa número TAB/MOZ/01/560/2012 por el delito de homicidio calificado en agravio de Rogelio Lozano Herrera, director de Gobernación Municipal y presidente de la Barra de abogados "Mariano Otero".
De acuerdo al reporte ministerial, fue alrededor de las 11:45 horas de este jueves dos de agosto, cuando se tuvo conocimiento del hallazgo del cuerpo sin vida del licenciado Rogelio Lozano Herrera.
El cadáver se encontró en la calle Lázaro Cárdenas de la colonia Cuauhtémoc y presentaba dos heridas producidas por arma de fuego; en el lugar se localizaron tres casquillos del calibre 9 mm y un proyectil útil del mismo calibre.
El agraviado fue interceptado horas antes por sujetos armados al salir de su domicilio ubicado en la calle Benito Juárez de la unidad Adolfo López Mateos (palomares)
El agente del ministerio público del sector Mozimba realizó las primeras diligencias y el cuerpo fue  trasladado al SEMEFO para la necropsia de ley.
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From Mrs Ute Sachon

From Mrs Ute Sachon


Compliments of the day to you !

My name is Mrs Ute Sachon, I'm 57yrs old .I am a nationality Deutsch.I'm married to Deutsch (a German ) Mr. Roland Sachon who worked with ELF OIL COMPANY for thirty years before he died in the plane crash On 25th of July 2000 with other passengers aboard, immediately after the death of my husband, who has left me everything he worked for and because the doctors told me I will not live longer than some weeks because of my health, I decided to WILL/donate the sum of $2,400,000 (Two million four hundred thousand dollars) to you for the good work of humanity, and also to help the motherless and less privilege and also for the assistance of the widows.

I wish you all the best and may the good Lord bless you abundantly, and please use the funds well and always extend the good work to others. I will appreciate your utmost confidentiality in this matter until the task is accomplished as I don't want anything that will jeopardize my last wish. Pls: kindly get back to me so that we can discuss more.

Thank You and Bless You richly!
Yours Sincerely
Mrs Ute Sachon

191-20120614-various display stands



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It was on this latter basis that he secured prize, in the person of the Reverend George Bland, ex-revivalist, ex-author of pious stories for the young, skilled dealer in truisms, in wordy platitudes couched largely in plagiarized language from the poets and essayists, in all the pseudo-religious slickeries wherewith men's souls are so easily lulled into self-satisfaction. The Good, the True, the Beautiful; these were his texts, but the real god of his worship was Success. This, under the guise of Duty (man's God-inspired ambition to be true to his best possibilities), he preached day in and day out through his Daily Help in The Patriot: Be guided by me and you will be good: Be good and you will be prosperous: Be prosperous and you will be happy. On an adjoining page there were other and far more specific instructions as to how to be prosperous and happy, by backing Speedfoot at 10 to 1 in the first race, or Flashaway at 5 to 2 in the third. Sometimes the Reverend Bland inveighed convincingly against the evils of betting. Yet cynic might guess that the tipsters' recipes for being prosperous and happy (and therefore, by logical inversion, good) were perhaps as well based and practical as the reverend moralist's. His correspondence, surest indication of editorial following, grew to be almost as large as Banneker's. Severance nicknamed him the Oracle of Boobs, and for short he became known as the Booblewarbler, for there were times when he burst into verse, strongly reminiscent of the older hymnals. This he resented hotly and genuinely, for he was quite sincere; as sincere as Sheffer, in his belief in himself. But he despised Sheffer and feared Severance, not for what the latter represented, but for the cynical honesty of his attitude. In retort for Severance's stab, he dubbed the pair Mephistopheles and Falstaff, which was above his usual felicitousness of characterization. Sheffer (who read Shakespeare to improve his mind, and for ideas!) was rather flattered.

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¡Bienvenida de nuevo a Badoo!

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